Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Various- "Real Slow Radio no.2 - FAST" (2001)

Yet another installment of Mat Brinkman's Mish Mash Mush compilations, this time in the themed Real Slow Radio sub-series. The theme of this edition is FAST, so chew some Adderall and strap in for some off-the-wall hyperspeed freak noise hysteria in a mix of styles, from the usual MMMMMM mess of bands you knows and love, bands you've never heard of and bands that barely (if ever) existed. Plenty of exclusive tracks from familiar names on this one, like Lightning Bolt, Kites, Pleasurehorse, Olneyville Sound System, Mudboy, Libythth and Meerk Puffy. Lots of great stuff from more obscure locals (at least in 2001) like Curmudgeon Clique, Bug Sized Mind, Butcherings, and personal favorite Ninja Vs Wrestler.
As you can see, it also came in a sick silkscreened sewn-felt/ultrasuede sleeve. It was much less dirty looking 14 years ago.